02 Mar A checklist for your Virtual Board Meeting
We suggest the Chairman, Senior Independent Director (SID) and Company Secretary use this checklist to take stock of whether decision-making might have been impaired in the move to virtual board meetings, and if necessary what could be done to reset dynamics.
- Has the Board held a discussion on its virtual modus operandi and how it could be improved?
- Has the SID had a conversation recently with the CEO to check how he/she is feeling about the way the Board has been working during the crisis?
- Is the CEO-Chair relationship working well in supporting the new style of meetings?
- Is there sufficient time between meetings for management to develop proposals?
- Is there sufficient time between meetings for management to prepare good papers?
- Is next year’s calendar blocking out enough time for “reserve” meetings just in case?
- Could board update meetings be less frequent with better updates provided by email?
- Are all board members getting the chance to speak, particularly on decisions?
- Can the more silent members be drawn out more?
- Are we able to have a proper conversation between directors, as opposed to a series of speeches?
- Is the Chair encouraging enough informal discussion and debate?
- Are big decisions being taken by the full board rather than a crisis committee?
- Is the crisis committee’s reporting to the board sufficient and timely?
- Can hybrid meetings (some physically present, some attending virtually) be managed so that those attending virtually are not disadvantaged?
- Does your virtual meeting technology need an upgrade, eg by improving the systems and/or using dual devices or something else?