Thinking Board Evaluator is Independent Audit’s digital board evaluation system. It enables boards to conduct effectiveness self-assessments that generate intelligent analysis not just data. It helps boards to work better regardless of their location, size or maturity.
Thinking Board Evaluator is Independent Audit’s digital board evaluation system. It enables boards to conduct effectiveness self-assessments that generate intelligent analysis not just data. It helps boards to work better regardless of their location, size or maturity.
We understand what really drives board effectiveness. We’ve been helping boards for over 20 years.
Thinking Board Evaluator is based on insights from hundreds of board reviews.
Our intelligent system instantly creates a board-ready report with actionable insights and analysis.
Thinking Board Evaluator is a secure platform that is fully automated and easy to use.
Our unique two-part question structure is proven to engage your board members and draw out deeper and more thoughtful responses.
Thinking Board Evaluator instantly generates a board-ready report that delivers real value and intelligent analysis.
Know how your board is performing and the underlying reasons why.
Get a roadmap for action. Know the key opportunities to focus on.
Focus the board on what matters most for long-term success and benchmark year on year.
Submit your board members’ email addresses
Start your review
Receive automatic reminders
Complete your review
Download your board-ready report
Our Board Effectiveness Model provides a structured framework for evaluating board performance and tracking effectiveness over time. The model clearly defines “What The Board Does” and “How The Board Does It” in just 12 elements that cover everything critical to board effectiveness. Thinking Board Evaluator looks into each element to give you a clear picture of how your Board is performing and a roadmap for action.